Tips for passing Risen 2: Dark Waters - Basic Missions # 107

Henri is a good shooter - the fight will not be easy

Questor: Morgan

This quest is part of: Ship Equipment

You will receive this quest in the tavern of the port city after talking with Morgan, who is sitting at one of the tables. He planned to join the crew of some ship, but does not want to have anything to do with Captain Slane - the pirate has too little respect for human life. Because you need to assemble a team for a controversial captain, he won't leave you too much choice - you have to convince Morgan to change his mind. There is only one way to do this - to beat him in a series of competitions (see Pirate Triathlon with Morgan).

There is an alternative way to complete this quest - you can get his gratitude by taking the blacksmith's weapon (see "Pawn Gun"). To do this, go to the gun manufacturer, Henri. Wilson's pistol is already in his possession, and he would like to duel with you on it. Beat him in a shooting range competition so you can buy the item back. When you return it to the blacksmith, you can also buy guns.

Solving one problem does not exclude solving the other - you can help Wilson cope with both problems, thus gaining more experience points.


200 glory points for completing the quest.

Don't let yourself be surprised-Morgan knows how to use a weapon.

The first competition is a regular sword fight - just beat him in the usual way. Of course, you can fight or use firearms - this is a pirate fight, not an honorable duel. When the man falls, help him up and join him in the alcohol contest. The rules are simple - empty the bottles as quickly as possible than your opponent does, trying not to tip them over (this is a huge waste of time). When this part is also over, it's time for shooting - shoot at least seven objects using only ten bullets. Try not to hit the bomb, you will immediately fail!

How many bottles will make you smile?

When all the stages of the triathlon are completed, it's time to calculate your winnings. To complete the quest, you need to win at least two competitions - if you win all three, there will be no bonuses, and losing only means that you will have a triathlon. The moment you are declared the winner, the quest will end and Morgan will decide to join Captain Slane's team.


200 glory points for completing the quest;

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